The Beauty and the beast.
During a trip a man finishes in a magical castle inhabited by a beast, that ends enclosing it. To save him, his youngest daughter offers to stay with the beast in exchange for her father's freedom.The Beast and Beauty with great attentions and they begin to become friends, until Beauty leaves the castle to go to visit its sick father. When she returns, she finds the Beast on the verge of dying of sadness, and when Beauty finds him thus he confesses her love, undoing the enchantment that enclosed a prince in the form of a beast.
Aladdin and the wonderful lamp.
Aladdin meets a mysterious man in a market,this man said to know his father. This man made Aladdin enter a cave to which he rubed the magical lamp, he did it and asked to take it with his mother . Aladdin handed out treasures to the poor and the supposed uncle fled to Africa. Also asked the love of the daughter of the sultan. Aladdin and his wife toured the world on a magic carpet that gave them the genius and they were happy forever

Ali Baba and the forty thieves.
Ali Baba in one night saw 40 robbers each with a bag of gold, they screamed open sesame and the rock opened. Ali baba entered the cave and found the great treasure, told his wife and she asked his brother for help, he suspected and made him tell his secret. The brother went to get all the treasure and the thieves found him and killed him. Ali Baba buried his brother, and the thieves had to take revenge.In the night that the thieves were going to take revenge the Ali Baba´s wife the discovered and the blows and lived happily.
Alice in wonderland.
A girl is with her sister, reading a book. Alice follows a rabbit and falls down a well. She comes to many strange places where she meets very strange people. Alicia decides to go to the hatter's house. The queen finds Alice and says that her head is cut off for no reason. Alicia is going to listen to the story of the fake turtle. They tell him about the dance of the four locusts and they dance him in front of Alicia Finally Alice wakes up. Everything has been a dream.

The Sleeping beauty.
The party for the birth of a princess were invited fairies of the kingdom to offer her gifts, except one,, appeared to bewitch the princess, who on the day she turned 15 would die after pricking with The use of a spinning wheel. But a fairy was missing to give him his gift, and he transformed the spell so that instead of dying, he fell asleep for 100 years.The palace was hidden by thorns. A prince was able to reach him, and find the princess, whom he woke up with a kiss. Soon the wedding was celebrated and they lived happily ever after.

Hansel and Gretel.
Hansel and Gretel are two brothers who are abandoned in the forest. Lost, they find a little house of chocolate and sweets in which an old woman lives who invites them to pass. The old lady turns out to be a witch who holds the boy in a cage and fattens him up to eat it while the girl has to do housework. The witch asks the girl to prepare the oven, but she pretends she does not know, and when the witch looms to teach him, he pushes her inside and burns her. Children get away and find their way home with their father.

The little mermaid.
This is the story of a siren who lived at the bottom of sea. One day he met a prince who was floating in the sea, saved him and fell in love with him. Went in search of a witch to change her tail for legs . She met the prince and he fell in love with her But the prince was committed to this person and left the little mermaid with her family in the sea.

Little red riding hood.
Once upon a time there was a sweet little girl. she have a little cap, wear it all the time, she came to be known as Little Red Riding Hood. The mother sent her to go see her grandmother. When he was on the way he met a wolf and asked where he was going, she told my grandmother's house.The wolf told him to go the other way because "it was short"When the girl arrived at her grandmother's house realized that the wolf is lying down and opened the wolf's stomach and left his grandmother and lived happily.

There was a woman who wanted to have a child and for that she turned to a witch who gave her a seed. The woman plant the seed and soon a flower was born that when opened a girl was seen which I call Thumbelina One night when she slept she was kidnapped by a toad, who wanted her to marry her son Thumbnail was traveling with the toads when she clung to a butterfly . Then I had a constant struggle since all things were great. After a while he meets a prince of his stature and lives happily ever after.

There once lived a lady , who had long wished for a child. One day the lady stole the king's daughter. This girl when combing her hair the person became younger. The lady forbade him to leave the castle. Once a prince found the tower and with her a rapunzel and helped her out and find her true mother and father. The young and the prince fell in love and went to live at the palace and were happy.

Gepetto, the old carpenter, wished that his last creation, "Pinocchio", could become a real child.The Blue Fairy gave him the wish, not without warning Pinocchio that to be a real child, he should show that he was sincere.The following days, instead of going to school, Pinocchio will be involved in a series of bad adventures full of lies, suffering the punishment of seeing his nose grow whenever he lies.At last Gepetto obtains his longed for desire, that Pinocchio turns into boy and Pinocchio does not return to tell lies.

The Emperor´s new clothes.
Once upon a time there was an Emperor who cared so much about his clothes that two men came saying they were the best tailors of the kingdom and they´ll make the best of the dresses to the emperor . The rascals only kept the gold sent to them by the king. The king went to the parade dressed in his invisible cloths, which were also praised by all the people. Until a child cried out "The Emperor is naked" and everyone, including the Emperor, realized the deception and the ridicule they had done.

The selfish giant.
There was once a giant named Oscardogro Wilderiano. The giant did not like Christmas, and was very selfish One day the giant was eating a cake, the children looked at the giant without seeing them. The giant stained his face with cake and a child gave him a laugh, when the giant saw the children said he was going to eat them, a child started to cry and the giant asked him why he did, the boy replied that He was afraid of the giant. From that moment the giant was never more egoistic.
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